Monday, October 09, 2006

love your name.

your name may suck
but probably not as much as these people's:

dirk vandeman
shirley tuber
pochih chang
renato quilang

and my personal favorite:
bang pham

yes, these are real people.
i know because i just entered them into my office's contact database.
and cried a little for their most likely traumatic childhoods.

Monday, October 02, 2006

i heart pawky

so these quite brilliant friends of mine created a film sharing site.
like facebook for filmmakers.
like youtube for short films and animation.
it's really quite something.
it's called pawky.

visit to watch and comment on films,
and/or upload your own!

here are few i recommend.
i'd upload them here, but i'm not smart enough.

manege frei: an encaged circus bear is dreaming of salvation

intervention: steve's friends offer smiles and hugs as they lovingly force him to confess the truth about bill parcels and, hopefully, one other pressing issue...